About US
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Founded on 17 June 2020
Driven by the urge to help other beyond ourselves, we started this foundation to break the common misconception that you have to be rich to start a foundation.
Helping is helping and we are responsible for our community, thats the philosophy we live by. Looking at things close to our hearts, Mental health, Menstrual health, Orphans and Widows is the main focus of the foundation.
Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.
John F. Kennedy
Our Focus
Each quarter we will focus on one of the 4 focuses and we will get help from family, partners, friends and well wishers. The goal is to give back in any way we can and partner up with as many organisations as possible.
Kadoma in the primary focus but not limited to it. We want to touch all corners of Zimbabwe eventually and encourage a spirit of giving back. Another focus is to cultivate a giving culture in the upcoming generation from a young age, we will specifically have days to get the younger generation involved.
Let’s make wonders
spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.